skin regimen

Probably, drinking lots of water and setting high fitness goals and keeping the weight in check – is better than any goop that you apply to your face (but little smear of moisturizer, sunscreen and multivitamia couldn’t hurt) REGIMENS For the past five years Jo has gotten me into a skin regimen. I grew up…

Fitness & Health

You take your health for granted, until . . . (and then it is too late) We heard a great podcast which preached that the best things that you could do (for good health) is: 1) Exercise, and 2) Eat Fiber which includes: -“Browns” unprocessed whole grains, beans, brown rice, whole wheat (no polished grains)…

It don’t hurt to ask

There is a bible verse: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. (Matthew 7:7) It’s good sense, and at least worth a try I am always surprised After a misunderstanding, which might be attributed mostly to me – there is a…


What if you marked Election Day on your calendar each year? And Participated in Voting Confirmed that you are registered to vote Do some Foot-Work -Print the Ballot in Advance -Research the Candidates and -Prepare for your Vote Make it a Priority to Vote on Election Day And even Encourage Others to Vote